Thursday, April 8, 2010

What doesn't kill you...only makes you MORE JADED!!!!!

Astoria Kaufman Studios scouted the next 'child star' when I attended P.S. 166. They came to my 6th grade class scrutinized each of us with their "expert eyes" and upon examining every child....CHOSE my best friend.
It didn't kill me....

When I was fatally in love with Spiro, (Greek boy from the hood) he was conflicted with the tormenting job of choosing between me and my best friend Josephine, and he chose HER.
It didn't kill me...

When I desperately wanted to excel and took an exam to attend Stuyvesant Jr High, (a school for gifted children), despite shoving a Palm Sunday crucifix down my shirt as a good luck charm, I FAILED.
It didn't kill me...

When my boyfriend who I thought would be my future husband, cheated on me with a girl I thought I had a better chance with...
It didn't kill me...

When ALL my friends in comedy have superseded me with their soaring careers...
It didn't kill me....

It DIDN'T however, make me stronger either.
It DID however make me bitter and cynical.

So, in my opinion. What doesn't kill you, DOESN'T make you stronger.
What doesn't kill you ONLY makes you MORE JADED!!!

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